Let’s Update Together

Digital labour (new forms of labour emerging from digital technologies and value created through interaction with digital interfaces) was explored in the work. This idea was played upon by ‘building a wall’ (a traditional form of labour), through interaction with digital production.

Let’s update together, an interactive LED light wall, was an open workshop in a participatory installation. Through motion and depth sensors which corresponded with coded LED interaction, participants could build up lights through physical movement. This was enabled through physical computing.

The LED ‘bricks’ were soldered by hand and were assembled to the installation one brick at a time. During the workshop the soldering process, coding and electronics were demonstrated to the public. By exposing the installation’s internal parts and offering the public to interact with the code through open source software, the public gained a deeper understanding of the machine and its workings.

This installation was part of a week-long residency at the Tate Exchange for ‘Art Works of the Future’ with Digital Maker Collective, 2018. Through a series of coding and electronic workshops open to the public, the installation was added to throughout a week-long residency at the Tate Exchange for ‘Art Works of the Future’ with Digital Maker Collective, 2018. The project aimed to create an accessible learning environment for people to become engaged in and play with creative tech.

The piece was displayed at Uniqlo Tate Lates, January 2018 and Art Works of the Future with Digital Maker Collective x Tate Exchange, March 2018.